Opening the Doors to Integration

2014. július 10., tags: reformed mission centre (rmc), refugee, refugee ministry

For those refugees and migrants settling in a new country, studying the language is the first step to integrating into society. But what do you do if there are no resources with which to learn?

What's a day worth?

2014. április 09., tags: bethesda hospital, mission to the people, reformed mission centre (rmc), roma ministry

A woman stabbed in the back by her own husband. Another who asked for an EKG exam just to have something happen to her. A third who has had more than 40 abortions. A little boy whose eye was shot, but who tells lies about it claiming it was an accident. In only a few minutes, volunteers of the “A way toward life” program – doctors and nurses of the Bethesda Hospital and co-workers of the Reformed Mission Centre – experienced these fragments of lives during their mission, when they examined more than 1,000 people in 14 disadvantaged towns within the framework of a free check-up program.

Beautiful Diversity

2014. január 08., tags: reformed mission centre (rmc), refugee ministry, interview, refugee, mission to the people

"Our mission is to provide a home to 'newcomers,' to help rebuild their lives in humanity and to give Christ's love to them," said Dóra Kanizsai-Nagy, the head of the Refugee Ministry of the Reformed Mission Center in Hungary who won the Equality Prize on the Day of Social Work. We asked Dóra about her job's attractiveness, its difficulties, and we discussed how Christmas can be celebrated together with others who have different cultural backgrounds.

The Celebration of Chance

2013. november 21., tags: homeless ministry, mission, award, mission to the people, reformed mission centre (rmc), ceremony, refugee ministry

Zoltán Balog, minister of Human Resources, presented several awards on 11 November, the Day of Social Work. The heads of the RCH's Homeless Ministry and Refugee Ministry as well as the Mohács-Kölked congregation social home and its director were among the recipients.

An Exciting New Community Centre for the Refugee Mission

2013. május 21., tags: mission to the people, reformed mission centre (rmc), refugee, refugee ministry

It is an extremely busy but exciting time for the RCH's Refugee Mission of the Reformed Mission Centre as it works to organize a newly acquired building in the heart of Budapest. The building will serve as the Mission's new community centre.

The ministration of American volunteers among refugees

2012. szeptember 10., tags: reformed mission centre (rmc), refugee, ministry to the people, refugee ministry, teach overseas

Ten teachers spent five weeks in the Bicske and Debrecen Refugee Reception Centres, in the Children's Centre in Fót, in the English Language Bible Study Camp organised by the Scottish Mission in Budapest and with the Roma Ministry in Jánd. The programme was a collaboration between the Synod Office of the Reformed Church in Hungary, the Refugee Mission of the Reformed Church in Hungary and the Educational International Service. Just like in the past years, the project involved English lessons in groups, with the aim to give refugees a better chance in the job market.

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Reformed Church in Hungary

Address: H-1146 Budapest, Abonyi utca 21.   

PO Box: 1140 Budapest 70, Pf. 5

Phone/Fax: + 36 1 460 0708 


Our church through American eyes

We encourage you to read our  former GM intern Kearstin Bailey's blog about her time, spent in Hungary.